Saturday, November 8, 2014

The technique of flying used by our Siddhas and Yogis - Is it myth or science?

How does the title sound? strange..... crazy.... humbug.... Well. Lets have some interesting discussion on this today. Lets discuss this concept assuming that it is a myth and assuming that it is a science.

Why should it be a myth? Because there is no evidence or proof for it. People have added this concept in stories about lives of siddhas and yogis to only create an interest among us to read such stories. There is no written documentation about this technique to serve as a proof. In the current world, amid all technological improvement, we never saw even a single person who can do it.... These are the basic thoughts which come to our mind when we say these things are myth.

Why it could be science? Now it is not easy to discuss this point in this context as there is no evident proof to support our argument. We can only discuss if it could be a possibility or not. Again it is my thought only. Don't know how many of you would have thought about this in this way. Now lets proceed. I request you all to please take some time to think deeply about the following points....

Aircraft - An aircraft can fly with numerous passengers and lots of cargo in it. It only needs the energy and thrust to take off in the air initially and after that it floats just like that without much effort.

Space Travel - People easily go now to space in space crafts. When you read about the spacecrafts in detail, you will know that people only float in space.  Please refer this wikipedia article It is because of microgravity, where everything becomes weightless, people, objects and everything else..... So people float effortlessly in space.

This cannot happen in earth as earth has gravity. It pulls everything back. Heavy objects come back to earth fast and light objects a little longer. Like a stone comes fast but a piece of paper takes some time.

Balloons can float - Why does balloons float in air? Here I am talking about helium balloons.  Helium gas is lighter than the air and hence they float.

Now can we put everything together and discuss this point?

1. Our Siddhas and Yogis knew the technique to reduce their body mass/weight (like a helium balloon) to get their body ready to float.

2. They knew how to create the thrust/energy to go beyond the earth's gravitational pull (like how an aircraft or a rocket takes off) to start off.

3. Once the basic steps are done and once they are beyond earth's atmosphere they could have floated/flied in space effortlessly (Like how people in spacecrafts float now).

Why cant this be the scientific reason behind their flying? They kept the techniques and science secret though.... Why they could not have attained this through their yogic knowledge and wisom and vigorous practices?

Once again, It is only my thought. Expecting your views and comments as usual. Thanks for reading.

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