Wednesday, November 5, 2014


Title is crazy. Isn't it?

Before proceeding, please refer to this wikipedia article :

It says about various time measurements and difference in time between humans, pithrus and devas. Now coming back to the topic.....

All our devas and gods in our puranas have super powers. When you look at our gods, most of them have many heads, eyes and hands. According to us, they live in the sky. They have their own unique vahanas or they just travel in space just like that. They don't blink their eyes nor their feet touch the land. Their body do not contain any waste like human body. All have their own Lokas (Worlds).

More over, their time is very much different from human time. When you read the article, it says 1 human year (365 days) is 1 day of the devas. 1000 maha yugas are 1 day of Brahma. (Let us discuss this maha yuga concept later as it will be little confusing).

Now, according to us, we have discovered nine planets so far revolving around the sun (Pluto is not considered as planet anymore though.). Please go through this statistical data (rough estimates according to nasa site)

Earth year - 365 days
Mercury    - quarter of earth year (about 87.6 days)
Venus        - 224.7 earth days
Mars          - 687 earth days
Jupiter       - 11.9 earth years (about   4343.5 earth days)
Saturn        - 29.7 earth years (about 10840.5 earth days)
Uranus       - 84.3 earth years (about 30769.5 earth days)
Neptune      - 164.8 earth years ( about 60152 earth days)

But these are only the planets we know. According to our puranas we have millions of suns and millions of planets orbiting around those suns.  Science also agrees that Universe is so vast and only a little of it is known to us. Many people still believe that we are not alone in this Universe.

Now taking into consideration the above time span, does it somehow relate to our Deva time and Brahma time and even our yugas? All planets (known) have different time span and they are not the same as that of Earth. Scientists still believe that life should have existed once upon a time in Mars.

Now why cant our Gods' different Lokas (Worlds) be different planets? Each Planet's composition is different (I mean the mass, gases and substance in them). Why can't this have given them super powers like flying in space, not blinking, feet not touching the land, no waste in the body etc? Here I am not referring to the planets that we know. It could be one among the million other planets which has not been discovered yet too.......

It is again my thought..... but expecting feedback from you guys. Your inputs are important to me.

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