Tuesday, January 6, 2015

This is what we think about our ancient wisdom....

Today when I was browsing dinamalar magazine, I was surprised to see a post which coincides with the topic I write in my blog, mythology and science. But I felt very sad after reading that entire article.  Here I submit the link for you to go through that article. Please also read the comments about various people (general public). It is nice to note at least some people have favorable notion about our ancient wisdom. But it is really sad to see a magazine like dinamalar to give such an unfair view (which is not neutral) with a pre-concluded thought in their mind.


To just randomly mention, in my blog I try to find several mythological factors and trying to figure out the hidden scientific connection in them. I do it out of my own interest as I always had the curiosity to know about our mythology. But when we discuss such topics, we should have open-mindedness. That means, we should try to reason it out before we discuss or say something and cannot do it just like that. This is just what I am trying to do here and I always welcome inputs and contradicting thoughts as it helps me to learn further in this subject.

This particular article talks about a recent meeting for scientists (Ariviyal Maanadu). Various researchers have submitted their scientific views and a couple of people have submitted their views on topics like 1. our vimana sasthra technology in ancient times, 2. surgery done in ancient times (please refer to my "plastic surgery" post which I wrote recently. This is what I meant by co incidence) etc. And several people (our own Indian scientists) have said that all these are "kattukadhai" "abatham" "there is no proof" etc. I don't deny their views. It is their view and everyone has a right to say what they believe. But is it good to say that after sufficient research or is it good to say just like that? What we believe now is something what we rejected sometime back only. Proof goes on like yoga, meditation, our use of turmeric in food, homam purifies the air around you, ayurveda medication without side effects, positive vibrations and energy we get out of temples and so on... When each single thing is proved, then we start to believe that.

We should note that in that article these views are only given by our Indian scientists. They did not even try to reason it out. They told their views upfront even before knowing anything what is mentioned in the particular scripture. This shows how we judge our ancient wisdom and this ignorance have caused us not to realize and appreciate the merit of science in our ancient system. When it is researched and proved by some western scholors then we will say million positives about that. This ignorance has contributed to the destruction of a significant portion of our spiritual wealth and knowledge during the Mughal rule and British rule and we simply watched them. This ignorance is very sad and it is our greatest fate.

I will try my best to continue sharing what I know to find the connection between mythology and science. I am not trying to boast here that I know everything nor that I do have in-depth knowledge in spiritual matters. but I do a lot of reading before I produce my blog post and I submit the links for your reference. I welcome criticism and comments always and I am in the very very very beginning level of learning only. But I have a strong belief that our ancient people are not fools to have passed on those wonderful scriptures with such a dedication and commitment generations after generations. Just a final word. It is up to you to appreciate or deny these things and it depends on each person's own beliefs. But please do not simply state or think that everything which is mentioned in mythology is fake without doing at least a little reasoning. This is my humble request.....

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