Sunday, January 4, 2015

"Surya Namaskar - Sun Salutation" for health and prosperity

I wish you all a very Happy and Prosperous New Year 2015. I always take new year resolutions. But completing that is a thing which I normally don't do.... Lol. This year thought of doing Surya Namaskar (sun salutation) regularly. I do this sometimes, for which I have an yoga app, but here and there, not regularly and not as per it has to be done, like with manthras and with rising sun (early morning). This year, since I started writing this blog, I had a different idea about this Surya Namaskar.  As usual when I started to search for more information about this, not only about doing it and the poses, but with many questions like "Why should we do it" "why morning" What are the health benefits" "the origin of Surya Namaskar" etc etc, I am impressed by the information I got. So here I am, sharing the same with you.

I think almost all of you know about Surya Namaskar and most of you would have done it at least once. So this topic does not need much introduction. But let's briefly talk about its origin and its importance as given in our ancient scriptures, the way to correctly do it with manthras and then move on to its scientifically proven health benefits.

Surya Namaskar originated in India (many ancient religions like ancient Egypt and ancient Greece had the practice of sun worship but sun salutation with asanas and mantras is our unique tradition) and as always its origin date cannot be precisely told because our scriptures have been there orally long since before its documentation date. It integrates both asanas and pranayama (as mentioned in sage patanjali's ashtanga yoga). In our Hindu tradition, Sun worship is a part of our nithya vidhi (daily duty). Almost all the holy scriptures talk briefly about Sun and its significance. One specific thing which is worth mentioning here is "Adithya Hridhayam" which talks extensively about the importance of sun worship with manthras. Adithya Hridhayam is a collection of hymns told by sage Agasthya to Rama in the battlefield, when Rama is very exhausted before defeating Ravana. Those who are interested in knowing more about this can go to :

There are manthras which are supposed to be recited with the different poses of sun salutation. My personal feel is that, manthras help you focus on the activity and prevent distraction. If you do the same pose or asana silently, only your body does the activity and not your mind. Mind may think thousands of things at that time and hence the benefits might not be fully achieved. There could be other spiritual reasons associated with the chanting of manthras, but I am unable to figure it out. I welcome inputs from people who know this spiritual connection. According to information I collected in net, each manthra describes one particular character of Sun, which is given below :

Mitraya - who is friendly to all
Ravaye - the shining, radiant one

Suryaya - one who ends darkness and brings activity
Bhanave - one who illuminates

Khagaya - one who moves through the sky
Pusne - giver of fulfillment

Hiranyagarbhaaya - one who has golden color
Maricaye - giver of light with infinite rays

Adityaya - son of Adithi
Savitre - who is responsible for life

Arkaya - worthy of praise and glory
Bhaskaraya - giver of wisdom

As the picture above portraits, sun salutation is done in 12 steps (though many yoga schools teach many variations in this). The whole sun salutation starts with a beginning mantra, followed by one mantra for one asana and also ends with an ending mantra. For the complete list of mantras and its translation please go this link

When we talk about health benefits of this sun salutation, there are many. We can classify them as general benefits and benefits which are specifically attributed to the particular asana/pose. First, let us know the general health benefits briefly.

1. Regular practice can help lose belly fat
2. The postures stretches our body muscles and makes us flexible
3. relaxes body and mind and provides cure to insomnia
4. facilitate blood circulation
5. reducing stress and anxiety
6. makes the spine healthy
7. tones the arms
8. promotes regular menstrual cycle in women.
9. improves vision when done in sunrise in open space.

Now the specific health benefit associated with each of the above 12 poses/asanas :

1. Pranamasana - prepares the body for the sun salutation.
2. Hastha uthanasana - Fexible and relaxed spine
3. Hastha padhasana - Relieves gastric disorders
4. Ashwa sanchalanasana  - strengthens limbs, stretches back and hamstring muscles
5. Parvathasana - Toning of hips and back and provides relief from kidney problems
6. Ashtanga namaskar - strengthening of arm muscles and opening the chest
7. Bhujangasana - clears respiratory channels

Poses 8-12 are the repetition of the asanas from parvathasana to pranamasana and hence offer the same benefits.

It is also worthwhile to mention that a scientific study conducted in 2011 among school students in the age group of 8-14, revealed that :

" Scientific research has shown that yogic techniques produce consistent and beneficial physiological changes. A few weeks of disciplined yoga practice can lead to improvement in many physiologicaland psychological functions. It is claimed that suryanamaskar practice improves general health and fitness. It improves pulmonary, cardiovascular function. Suryanamaskar is the combination of asana and Pranayama and it is simple to practice, consumes only less time so that children can practice it every day. Yoga develops many wonderful qualities, and makes the children healthy for their future life. It also sharpens the ability to focus, self-confidence, and helps to develop self-discipline. We therefore conclude that suryanamaskar should be practised by children every day to get these beneficial effects."

Let us also start the new year with "Surya Namaskar" and enjoy the health benefits. A very Happy New Year to all once again and thank you for reading.


  1. The blog and data is excellent and informative as well

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  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  4. Steps to Surya Namaskar Appreciating the persistence you put into your blog and detailed information you provide.

  5. Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) is a profound and timeless yoga sequence. Youtube Watch Ways Its rhythmic movements and connection to the sun's energy create a powerful and meditative practice.
