Monday, October 5, 2015

Thamboolam - Amazing Medicinal Qualities Hidden Behind This Simple Ritual

Exploring the science behind Sanatan Dharma traditions and rituals have come a long way these days. Gone are the days when we said that all these are mere superstition. Of course, we cannot deny the fact that even now, there are people who say that these are superstitions. But, the awareness to know the reasons behind such rituals have increased among people. Nowadays, they are trying to search for logical answers to their questions regarding spiritual rituals and as long as they get convincing answers, they are happy to take them. The motive of this blog is an attempt in that direction. I try my best to bring out the logical and scientific reasons behind Sanatan Dharma rituals. But the credit for today's topic goes to one of my friends, Rajeswari, who asked me to find out the significance of Thamboolam, that we offer during any pooja, festival or family functions. Thanks to her for suggesting such a wonderful topic,  I am amazed to see the information I got, when I went in search to gather more details about this ritual. Now I see betel leaf from a very different perspective. I am sharing the same with you today......

We offer Thamboolam during many occasions. During a Puja, we offer it to the invoked deity, as a part of Shodasa Upachara. Please click this link to know more about this 16 fold worship :

During marriage and other special occasions, we offer thamboolam to guests. We also offer the same when we host a feast.

Thamboolam basically refers to Betel leaf, nut and lime (chunnambu), when we talk in the context  of food. But during a Puja or when we offer the same to guests during wedding and other special occasions, we also add fruits (bananas), coconut, flowers and turmeric. Let us explore these items individually from spiritual and scientific perspective, as applicable. This will give us a better understanding.

Significance of Betel Leaf :

In India, Betel leaf is associated with Goddess Lakshmi. The center part is considered to be the seat of Lakshmi and hence it is considered a sin to chew the center part. The tip of the betel leaf stands for longevity and the base portion for fame.

Betel leaves are good source of Vitamin B and Carotene. It is packed with anti-oxidants and aids in good digestion. The leaf produces an aromatic volatile oil containing a phenol called chavicol which has powerful antiseptic properties. Betel leaves are given to women after childbirth to increase secretion of milk.  Other traditional uses of betel leaves are given below :

Betel leaf in Ayurveda :

In Ayurveda, the importance of betel leaf has been mentioned in many texts including Chakra Samhita and Sushruta Samhita. In Ayurveda, there are three doshas called vatha, pitha and kapha. Betel leaves pacify Kapha and Vatha dosha while increasing Pitha dosha. These leaves are prescribed for various reasons....

  • Enhancing metabolic functions 
  • Expelling mucus
  • Treating ulcer
  • Improving appetite
  • Strengthening the heart muscles 
  • Reducing inflammation
  • Purifying blood
  • Treating bronchitis
  • Treating bleeding gums

Significance of Betel Nut (Areca Catechu) :

Before proceeding with the uses of Betel Nut, I would like to mention a word of caution. Betel nut should not be taken alone, as it will cause anemia and intoxication. Excessive usage of the same will even result in oral cancer. Careful selection of betel nut should be employed. Unripe nut, much ripened nut, dampened nut, insects laden nuts with holes are to be avoided. Fresh, tender and immature nuts should not be consumed. When properly selected nut is chewed along with betel leaf and lime, it provides many health benefits. It removes Phlegm (Kapham) and relieves constipation. It increases the flow of saliva, strengthens the gums and sweetens the breath. It destroys the germs and cures hemorrhoids. 

Significance of Lime (Chunnambu) :

Lime is a good source for calcium and it is used along with betel leaf and nut. It should not be consumed in excess as it will cause oral ulcers, burning sensation of stomach, diarrhea and vomiting. Lime is obtained from many sources, but the most important among them is from lime stone. It is purified by soaking in lemon juice and then prepared for use. The lime is considered to neutralize the astringent effect of the acid nut. Using the lime stone variety aids in the digestion of food. It strengthens the teeth. Using the pearl lime cures chronic diarrhea, phlegm, worms and diseases of the stomach.

Significance of Coconut :

Coconut is always used in temples as offering and in various pujas. The reason being it has great spiritual significance. Let us explore some of them. We always use seeds to plant trees. But for growing a coconut tree, we need to use the whole coconut. It is pure as it is not tasted by anyone with the seed remaining, It also symbolizes selfless service. Every part of the tree is used in many ways. It even converts the water taken from earth into sweet nutritious water that is beneficial in many ways. Breaking of coconut symbolizes breaking of one's own ego. The three eyes in the coconut represent the three eyes of Lord Shiva. The following links provide a good idea about the spiritual importance of coconut...

Coconut has many health benefits. It helps to lower cholesterol, improve digestion, increase metabolism, fight infections, build cells, kill bacteria any many more. Please go through the following links to know the detailed health benefits of coconut, coconut water and coconut oil.

Significance of turmeric :

Turmeric has been used for many thousands of years in India and is known for its antibiotic properties. Spiritually, it is considered very auspicious and denotes purity, fertility and prosperity. Due to its yellow-orange color, it is associated with the Sun. It is also associated with Chakras called energy centers. Yellow is the color of Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura), and Orange is the color of Sacral Chakra (Svadhishthana). Turmeric is widely used in all religious rituals, as it is believed to be the cleanser of the Subtle body.

Health benefits of Turmeric :

The health benefits of turmeric are innumerable. It has always been used in Sidha and Ayurvedic medicine. Even the modern medicine acknowledges the health benefits of turmeric. Take a look at some of the amazing benefits of turmeric.

I hope this article provides good insight about the various ingredients of thamboolam. But the important point to note is that, it has to be consumed in the prescribed way and in prescribed quantities only. Excessive consumption may cause adverse effects overcoming the medicinal qualities. Thank you all for reading.....

References :


  1. Very lucid impartial scientific and religious approach.
    Every deed and move in Hindu Religion is embedded with scientific truth

  2. Thanks for good info, good immunity from our tradition and culture itself has to be imparted to our current generation... 😌

  3. Thamboolam's amazing medicinal qualities are truly impressive. Its traditional usage as a betel leaf combination provides numerous health benefits. Anime Watch Way Appreciating the ancient wisdom and cultural significance of thamboolam.
