Let us explore the mysterious world of "Siddhargal" today and all their tremendous contributions to various fields. It is incredible to know about them and their mystical powers, the powers which are beyond the purview of modern science even today. Just imagine the concept of Anti-Gravity. Scientists are still working on the techniques to go against the force of gravity with no success till this point. Science may achieve it sometime in the future, but our "Siddhargal" have already mastered this technique. Due to the nature of this post I have used Tamil words here and there, as these mystical "siddhas" are much more related to Tamil Nadu. This is a lengthy post and I request you to take time and read this entirely. You will be mesmerized. I felt it is unfair to make it short as it doesn't do justice to these super human "Siddhas"
An important note before proceeding :
For those who believe that these supernatural powers - "siddhis" are myth :
Please note that "Siddhargal" have sacrificed their entire life in this process of Sadhana, which we cannot even think of. They never got these powers in one day and it took a life time of intense physical and mental practice to attain such "siddhis". I have also given a brief description about "Sadhana" later in this post. Please take a look. These powers are achievable by anybody even today who is willing to sacrifice their whole life and work towards this goal but unfortunately no one is ready. Hence before calling it a myth, I request you to give it a second thought. If we experiment it and then prove it wrong, that has some validity. But it is not fair to give a negative comment without even knowing what it is all about and how tough the process is.
Key concept | Exploring the world of "Mystical Siddhas" and their supernatural powers "Ashtamasidhi" |
Contributions of Siddhas | Martial Arts called "Varmakalai" including "Nokku varmam". "Sidha maruthuvam" and therapeutic healing called "Varma" in the field of medicine. "Yoga sutras" of Patanjali for overall well being. "Thirumandhiram" which is considered as the bible for "Thanthric Yoga". |
Sidhas - The detailed view | The 18 famous Siddhas with special emphasis on "Agathiyar" , "Patanjali", "Thirumoolar" and "Bogar". The eight supernatural powers "Anima, Magima, Lagima, Garima, Praapthi, Prakamyam, Isathvam and Vasithvam". The secondary powers. The process called "Sadhana" to achieve these powers. |
Supernatural Powers | "Ashtamasidhi" possessed by Lord Ganesha and Hanuman. Comparison of "Teleportation" and "Levitation" with that of "Ashtamasidhi" |
"Siddha" - One who is accomplished :
As the term denotes, A "Sidha" is a perfect master who has achieved a high degree of physical as well as spiritual perfection or enlightenment. A Siddha never takes birth again as he has "conquered the cycle of birth and death" called liberation. It can be said that "the soul that has infinite knowledge, infinite vision or wisdom, infinite power and bliss, without name and association to any caste and infinite life span without any change".
Sidhargal are typically saints, doctors, alchemists and mystics all at once. They have written their findings in palm leaves as poems in tamil language. These are still owned by some families and handed down through generations and kept in public institutions like universities in India, Germany, Britain and in the United States.
Varmam - வர்மக்கலை
Sidhas are believed to be the founders of "Varmakalai" (வர்மக்கலை). "Varmam" are specific points in the human body and when pressed in different ways gives different results. Few examples are disabling an attacker in self defense , balancing a physical condition as an easy first aid treatment etc.
Varmam is categorized as :
- Thodu varmam - 96 vital points triggered by a touch. Not deadly, but will affect the victim by disabling the body, organ movements and function.
- Padu varmam - 12 vital points that are fatal causing immediate, severe effects upon the victim.
- Thattu varmam - Decisive vital points that are used by the master. These are kept confidential until the master passes on the knowledge to selective disciple.
- Nokku varmam - Also called as Meitheendaa kalai. Striking vital points from a distance using energy alone. The one which is used in ""ஏழாம் அறிவு" movie.
- Uuthu varmam - Vital points triggered by a blow of air from mouth. Not deadly, but will affect the victim positively or adversely.
- Nakku varmam - Vital points triggered by licking at sensitive organs like eyes. Not deadly but will affect the victim either way.
See a demonstration of "Nokku varmam" here :
Sidha medicine : சித்த மருத்துவம்
Sidha medicine originated in Tamil Nadu and it is believed to be passed over to "Agasthya" by "Lord Muruga". Apart from the usage of medicinal herbs, sidha medicine also uses the "varmam" points in the body for treatment. Varmam is a holistic therapy on its own and tackles the mind body and spirit. A Varmam therapist needs to have in depth knowledge about the body's nerves and physical structure to do an effective treatment. In modern days, only few such therapists do exist and the Sidha world is trying to preserve this art of healing. If one looks at the long list of things which varmam can do, one will be totally mesmerized by the deep science and indisputable healing it brings about.
The herbs related medical treatments of Sidha are more or less similar to that of Ayurveda Please take a look at my previous post "food science" for more details.
Difference between Sidha, Ayurveda and Allopathic medicine :
The 18 "Sidhargal" :
Even though there are many sidhas, the very famous and well known among them are the "eighteen sidhas" - "பதினெட்டு சித்தர்கள்". Let us briefly see few of them. Since it is not possible to discuss about all of them here, I have provided links for reference.
Agathiyar - அகத்தியர் :
- He is the First sidhar and considered the guru of all sidhaas.
- He is also considered the father of Tamil literature and compiled the first tamil grammar called "Agathiyam".
- He made contributions to the fields of medicine and astrology, especially "Nadi" astrology.
- He is said to have lived for for more than 4 yugas and one of his medicinal preparations, Boopathi Kuligai, is so powerful that it can bring the dead back to life.
- Two of his students and disciples were "Therayar" and "Tolkappiyar"
- It is still believed that the healing spirit of Agathiya hovers in the mountains of "Coutralam" in the southern end of Tamil Nadu.
- During the war between the Devas and Asuras, Agastya drank up the seven oceans when the asuras hid themselves under the ocean. (considering the mystical powers of siddhas, this is no big task).
Patanjali - பதஞ்சலி :
- He is the compiler of yogasutras, presenting them as an eight-limbed system (Ashtanga yoga).
- He is considered to be the disciple of Nandidevar as stated in "Thirumandhiram".
- It is said that he was the master of dance.
- He is also the author of unspecified work of medicine.
- He wrote the "Charana shrungarahitha" slogam of "Nataraja".
Thirumoolar - திருமூலர் :
- The prince of Mystics and said to be the disciple of Nandidevar.
- He wrote "Thirumandhiram" which deals with body and soul and is considered as a bible for Thantrik Yoga.
- Legend is that he used his yogic powers to transmigrate into the body of a southern cowherd called "Mulan" and would wake up from intense meditation once a year and compose one verse until he completed "Thirumandhiram"
- He is considered as the emperor of "sidha system of medicine"
Please click the following links to know more about "Thirumandhiram" :
Bogar - போகர் :
- His period is ascribed between 3rd and 5th cenury B.c. It is believed that he has travelled to China and propagated the spiritual philosophy in China.
- He is considered as the contemporary of Thirumoolar.
- His contribution on the synthesis of mercury, mercurial compounds and arsenical compounds are note worthy.
- He is considered to have created statue of Lord Muruga in Palani temple concoting with "Nava Bashana" (nine arsenical compounds).
- The priests of Palani Murugan temple were said to have been the descendants of Pulipanni, one of Bogar's students.
- He also established the temple for Lord Muruga in Kathirkama, Srilanka.
The Eight Mystical Powers - அஷ்டமாசித்தி :
"Sidhargal" possess many supernatural powers. The most important and most powerful among them are called "Ashtamasidhi" - the eight superpowers and they are :
- Anima - (அணிமா) - Shrinking : Power of becoming the size of an atom and entering the smallest beings.
- Mahima - (மகிமா) - Unlimited growing : Power of becoming mighty and co-extensive with Universe. The power of increasing one's size without limit.
- Lagima - (லகிமா) - Lightness : To reduce the body mass and becoming lightest of the lightest. The important technique which is used in levitation. The ability to fly by conquering gravity.
- Garima - (கரிமா) - Becoming heavy : To become as heavy as the mountain even though being smaller in size.
- Prapthi - (ப்ராப்தி) - Fulfillment of desires : Capacity to enter all worlds from Brahma Loka to the Netherworld. Typical teleporting. It is the power of attaining what ever desired.
- Prakamyam - (ப்ராகாமியம்) - Power of disembodying and entering into other bodies. (கூடு விட்டு கூடு பாய்தல்)
- Isathavam - (ஈசத்துவம்) - Have the creative power of God and have control over Sun, Moon and the elements.
- Vasithavam - (வசித்வம்) - The ultimate power of having control over everything including Gods. Power of changing the course of nature and assuming any form
Secondary Powers :
Bagavatha purana states the secondary powers (sidhi) as follows :
- Tri kaala Gnanathvam - Knowing the past, present and future
- Advandvam - Tolerance of heat cold and other dualities
- Para chitha abi abhijnata - Knowing the minds of others
- Anurmi -mattvam - Being undisturbed by hunger and thirst
- Dura-sravana - Hearing things far away
- Dura - darshanam - Seeing things far away
- Manah - javah - Moving the body wherever thought goes (Teleportation)
- Kama rupam - Assuming any form desired
- Sva chanda mrtyuh - Dying when desired
- Para kaya pravesam - Entering the bodies of others
Gods associated with these supernatural powers:
Lord Ganesha and Lord Hanuman, both possess "Ashtamasidhi" and can give one access to the same. These powers are personified as goddess and considered as one of the two wives of Ganesha called Sidhi, the other one being "Budhi".
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Painting of Raja Ravivarma |
Teleportation :
One among the "Ashtamasidhi" called "Praapthi" - Fulfillment of desires is what is typical teleporting is. It gives one, the capacity to enter all worlds from Brahma Loka to the Netherworld. and moving the body where thought goes. A classic example is "Sage Narada". Many Rishis were also teleporters.
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Narada Muni |
Levitation :
It is the power of "Lagima" the power of lightness, which gives the ability for one to fly. In modern days, it is considered as myth but this is an important secret to overcome the "Pull of Gravity". Imagine the travel in space. Once we go beyond the reach of atmosphere, we literally float. It is because of the absence of gravitational pull. Lagima is becoming as light as vapor by reducing body mass. This is the skill needed to get the capacity to fly. These techniques were not achieved easily. They need an intense practice and is possible only if we are determined to sacrifice our whole life in the process called "Sadhana".
Saadhana - The process for attaining super powers :
The process called "Saadhana" to attain "Ashtamasidhi" is not easy. It needs a lifetime of rigorous practice and discipline in all areas of life, including food, sleep, sensory pleasure and control of emotions like anger, vengeance, jealousy etc. When we fast, we feel it very tough to control our hunger or temptation to eat even one single day. Sidhas have literally conquered hunger and thirst by intense saadhana. It applies to all pleasures, emotions and other normal human feelings. If only we control these completely, we will attain the powers called "Sidhi". Since no one in modern day world can literally do this, it is considered practically impossible.
Patanjali, in his yoga sutra, says that "Janma ausadhi mantra tapah samadhijha siddayah" which means one can attain these mystical powers by way of birth (which is determined by karma), use of herbs, incantations, self-discipline or samadhi.
The process of "Saadhana" as per Patanjali's Ashtanga yoga are Yama, Niyama, Aasana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyna and Samadhi.
Just look at the pictures below. If only we cross the initial step of "Yama" we can go the next step. But can we? This will somewhat explain to us how tough the process is and to be amazed by the "Sidhargal" who have already mastered it.
Patanjali, in his yoga sutra, says that "Janma ausadhi mantra tapah samadhijha siddayah" which means one can attain these mystical powers by way of birth (which is determined by karma), use of herbs, incantations, self-discipline or samadhi.
The process of "Saadhana" as per Patanjali's Ashtanga yoga are Yama, Niyama, Aasana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyna and Samadhi.
Just look at the pictures below. If only we cross the initial step of "Yama" we can go the next step. But can we? This will somewhat explain to us how tough the process is and to be amazed by the "Sidhargal" who have already mastered it.
I do not know if I have correctly compiled the information and produced perfect here. I apologize if I had missed something but I certainly feel blessed to have written about "Sidhargal" in my blog and I cherish this experience. Thank you all for reading. Have a wonderful day!!!!!!
Thank you
ReplyDeleteVery interesting and awe striking